Dormant Plants

55 products

    Coming back Spring Late March of 2025!

    Red / White Currants: Prohib. to DE,ME,NC,NH&WV, (MA, MI and NJ by permit only) 

    We have all kinds of dormant plants for you! 

    Did you just receive a plant and are unsure what to do with them? Watch these videos for all your information. 

    Strawberries & Raspberries 



    55 products
    Coming Soon
    Honeoye Strawberry (Junebearing)
    Coming Soon
    Royalty Purple Raspberry
    Coming Soon
    Double Gold Raspberry
    Anne Raspberry
    All-Star Strawberry (JuneBearing)
    Coming Soon
    Seascape Strawberry (Everbearing)
    Coming Soon
    Mary Washington Asparagus Dormant Crown
    Prelude Raspberry
    Sold Out
    AC Wendy Strawberry (Junebearing)
    Jewel Strawberry (Junebearing)
    Latham Raspberry
    Coming Soon
    Mara Des Bois Strawberry (Everbearing)
    Jewel Black Raspberry
    Coming Soon
    Purple Passion Asparagus Dormant Crown
    Coming Soon
    Heritage Raspberry
    Samdal Elderberry Plug
    Big Top Horseradish Roots (3 Stems)
    Samyl Elderberry Plug
    Triple Crown Blackberry Plug
    Coming Soon
    Chandler Blueberry (1 plant)
    Caddo Blackberry Plug
    Natchez Blackberry Plug
    Chester Blackberry Plug
    Patriot Blueberry (1 Plant)
    Darrow Blueberry ( 1 Plant)
    Coming Soon
    Millennium Asparagus Dormant Crown
    Coming Late-March
    Blueray Blueberry (1 Plant)
    Coming Soon
    MacDonald Rhubarb Crown (1 crown)
    Coming Soon
    Northland Blueberry (1 Plant)
    Jersey Blueberry (1 Plant)
    Coming Late-March
    Himrod White Seedless Grape
    Coming Soon
    Adopt An Heirloom Fruit Tree
    Coming Late-March
    Concord Blue Seedless Grape
    Coming Soon
    Prime Ark Freedom Blackberry Plug
    Coming Late-March
    St. Croix Bluish-Red Grape
    Coming Soon
    Pink Champagne Currant
    Blanka Currant
    Coming Late-March
    Dahlia Tuber: Akita
    Coming Soon
    Top Hat Blueberry (1 Plant)
    Hinnomaki Red Gooseberry

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