New To MIgardener? Start Here to Learn About MIgardener!

Written by: Luke Marion


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It's been so exciting to hear from people worldwide who have recently discovered MIgardener in their search for top-notch gardening advice! I thought it would be helpful to tell you about all the resources we have created to help you have ultimate success in the garden.

A wall of seed packets and a sign that says Grow Big on the wall of the MIgardener store.

Our Story

The roots of MIgardener go back to 2011 when I started the MIgardener YouTube channel. I wanted to inspire others to grow gardens, live healthier lives, and have fun doing it.

In 2014, Sindy, my fiance, joined me in that dream. With her career in design, she has established the creative vision for MIgardener with her fantastic eye for detail. 

Sindy and I were married in 2015 and dedicated our full attention to working hard on building our business, growing a 100% organic garden, and opening up our very first seed store!

MIgardener YouTube Channel

The MIgardener YouTube channel began with simple videos where I tried to teach young people where their food comes from. I was tired of seeing kids my age who thought food was something that came out of a box or from a fast-food restaurant.

The MIgardener channel has evolved into weekly videos and tutorials with top-quality content and advice. MIgardener videos share expertise and teach the “how to” of organic gardening, self-sustainability, homesteading, farming, healthy recipes and much more. 

If you're new to MIgardener, you probably found us on YouTube. With over 2,000 videos on our channel, there is an endless supply to learn from. Here are a few of our favorites:

Next, we launched our online store at, where you will find a selection of 700+ heirloom varieties of flower, herb, and vegetable seeds, seed potatoes, garlic and flower bulbs, mushroom growing kits, dormant plants, gardening supplies, and other great merchandise.

We are also proud to offer our digital Seed Catalog available for download. We do not print catalogs in an effort to pass down the savings to you!

Inside the MIgardener store.

MIgardener Storefront

For the longest time, our business was strictly an online system. However, thanks to you, our first-ever storefront was opened in gorgeous downtown Port Huron, Michigan from 2018-2022!

In 2022, we closed that location so we could open our Saint Clair location where we now reside.

You can visit our storefront Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and, seasonally, on Saturdays. Here are directions to the MIgardener store where you can find endless varieties of heirloom seeds, our best-selling Trifecta+ fertilizer, gardening supplies, and a garden lover’s gift shop.

Plus, you can find MIgardener seeds near you at locations in Canada and 21 states.

MIgardener Blog

The firm belief that excellent gardening information should be completely free and accessible to anyone is the driving force of the MIgardener blog. The blog is where your questions are answered!

Whether you're looking for detailed growing guides, professional organic gardening advice, innovative ways to increase yields, or ways to teach kids about real food and gardening, we've got you covered. If you don't know where to start, here are a handful of our most popular blog posts:

Our Book

In 2019, I wrote my first book, The Autopilot Garden. In it, I share all of the gardening know-how I have learned over the years.

The Autopilot Garden contains expert advice for how to work smarter (not harder) by creating a self-sufficient garden. With it, you will learn to break down traditional thinking and implement systems that will save time, hassle, weeding, water, and space regardless of where you live.

A man standing in a newly planted orchard.
The MIgardener Farm

Our latest adventure has been buying a farm! Idlewild is 39 acres and will be home to over 200 rare tomato varieties, 50 rare pepper varieties, 4 near-extinct squash varieties, 30 heirloom peach varieties, 40 pear varieties, 700 rare and endangered apple varieties, and so much more.

We recently launched Adopt An Heirloom Fruit Tree to help preserve heirloom heritage fruit trees at our brand-new farm. The trees you adopt will be used to educate, inform, and preserve genetic biodiversity!

I can’t understate how much your support of our little seed shop has impacted our preservation efforts for these amazing varieties of fruits and vegetables. The farm will also donate much of its produce to local food banks and homeless shelters for the less fortunate. 

A child playing in garden soil.

Our Community

MIgardener would not exist without the thriving community of people who support what we do. We stay connected through social media by taking the time to build up our team and by linking up with our community through free workshops at our storefront.

I love hearing your feedback, seeing pictures of your garden's progress, and answering your questions. To stay connected, you can follow us on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

We are so hopeful about the future of the MIgardener family. The most encouraging thing about our work is seeing the individuals who use our resources grow in confidence as they establish food security.

A man standing in a garden.
More About MIgardener

Did you know you can sign up for the MIgardener's Points Program and earn 5 points for every dollar spent in our store? That's just one more way we are making gardening more affordable for everyone.

Thank you for letting me share my story and my passion for gardening with you. I hope you utilize these resources to help you grow bigger!

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