Using Antacid Tablets to Cure Blossom End Rot (BER)

2 comments by Halley -Author at MIGardener


Antacid tablets (tums), everyone has them, but did you know it will work to cure the most common problem with tomatoes? 
Blossom End Rot (BER) is a calcium deficiency in the tomato. This is seen by the very evident black moldy spot on the bottom of the tomato. Blossom end rot can occur any time in a tomatoes life, and might not be evident until a week before harvesting, which can be very discouraging. BUT it doesn't stop there. Blossom end rot can occur on peppers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, and more! This will cure those as well.

How It Works:
Antacid tablets are made of calcium carbnate (CaCO3). The calcium can be absorbed through the roots, or in the leaves as a foliar spray, and works to strengthen cell walls to prevent cracking, as well as cure/prevent blossom end
rot. Also, some may have a magnesium (Mg) suplement as well. This will help to green up the plant. . 

How to apply:
Step 1 - Crush up 1 antacid tablet into a powder
Step 2 - Fill a sprayer or watering can with 1 gallon of water
Step 3 - Stir in antacid powder till fully desolved
Step 4 - Apply to the roots or spray on leaves as a foliar spray
Step 5 - Re-apply every month for best results. 

VIDEO on how I apply my antacid tablet:



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  • Eileen

    Hello. I thought u debunked this myth in a recent video. Would you please take this post down if it is no longer believed. These myths are circulating widely online. I love your videos. Now back to my looking for the one debunking this myth.

  • Gin

    I have a particular tomato that is prone to BER, but it is watered the same as my other tomatoes. I always end up adding more CA to the soil around this plant and the problem is gone. Some must need more available CA than others.

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