Top 10 reasons To Grow Your Own Food

by Halley -Author at MIGardener

Growing your own food is something that is rewarding, exciting, and humbling all in the same experience. I wish I could describe the feeling, but unfortunately it is something only you can feel once you have done it. So here are the Top 10 reasons I recommend growing your own food.

 1. Self esteem/confidence boost
 2. Great source of exercise
 3. Connection on a very intimate level with mother nature
 4. Greater appreciation of where food comes from
 5. Healthy, nutrient dense, fresh produce
 6. Build life skills like patience, good discipline, care, and compassion
 7. Make friends by sharing produce
 8. Lower grocery bills
 9. Become more self sustainable                                                                          10. Being in the garden inspires thoughts, lowers stress, and calms nerves

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